UPDATED: 2/24/2021
Grace Brantley
Miles Gillie
Preston Guy
Martha Harper
The Family of Juanita Smith
Tom Lanier
Jack Anderson and crew
Mary McGuire
Eli Brown
Clay and Debbie Calhoun
Peyton Hildebran
The McDowell Children
Rachel Parsons
Jeff Watson
Mike Jackson
Shanielle Calloway
Carrie Phillips
Larry Ollis
Natalie Buchanan
Jessica Buchanan
National and World Leaders
Community and State Leaders
Pastors and Churches
Healthcare Workers
Ernest and Donna Norwood
Chris Banner
Tammy Banner
Tommy and Jackie Cornett
Lloyd Ray Jaynes
Richie and Cindy Lindecamp
Brenda and Lamar Stanley
Kristie Winebarger
Heaven Nelson
Tammy Buchanan
Joe Buchanan
Mike Puett
Nicole Hogan & Family
Carlos Calhoun
Community and Country
Many Unspoken Requests
God’s Continued Move
Food Pantry and Ministry
Church Leadership
Our Church (General)
Jason and Jiyea Coffey
Powell & Mary Calloway
Wanda Pritchard
Grady & Miriam Bailey
Joe Ray Buchanan
Bud & Juanita Puett
Tammy Palmer
Pam Allen
Juanita Putnam
Brenda Brewer