Sunday Evening Bible Study: Job
Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study – Job
Psalm 127 – The Puzzle with no Picture
Sunday Evening Bible Study: LIVESTREAM
Where the Wild Things Aren’t: Fear is a Liar
DOWNLOAD MP3 John 17 (CSB) Jesus Prays for Himself 17 Jesus spoke these things, looked up to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son so that the Son may glorify you, 2 since you gave him authority over all flesh,[a] so that he may give eternal life to everyone you have given him. 3 This is eternal life: that they…
Acts: Keep the Faith
DOWNLOAD MP3 Acts 20:17-24 (NKJV) The Ephesian Elders Exhorted 17 From Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called for the elders of the church. 18 And when they had come to him, he said to them: “You know, from the first day that I came to Asia, in what manner I always lived among you, 19 serving the Lord with all humility,…
Acts: Does God Show Partiality?
DOWNLOAD MP3 Acts 10:34 (NKJV) Preaching to Cornelius’ Household 34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.
Acts: What Do You Stand For
DOWNLOAD MP3 Acts 5:41-42 (CSB) 41 Then they went out from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be treated shamefully on behalf of the Name.[a] 42 Every day in the temple, and in various homes, they continued teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. Acts 6 (CSB) Seven Chosen to…
Are We There Yet? Waiting is the Hardest Part, part 1
DOWNLOAD MP3 Acts 1:4-8 (NKJV) The Holy Spirit Promised 4 And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; 5 for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” 6 Therefore, when they had come…